First game made by me and my sister (Mostly her)

A game about about a little floofy kitty getting lost and trying to find its way back to Mommy kitty but she is a silly little floof so you'll have to help them find each other by building a path, may you reunite all the kitties

Controls :

Drag and drop the pieces of path, that are placed on the table which is on the right side, to the tile of the game
You can rotate said pieces by click on the them again. 

Gifs coming soon (as soon as learn how to make good looking gifs)

Development log


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(1 edit) (+1)

Cute game! It was a bit easy for me but I definitely felt the challenge growing. Unfortunately I couldn't access level 9 or above! Not sure if it was a bug or the content hasn't been developed. I still enjoyed my time with it! I made a short video with my commentary and experiences, keep up the great work!

(1 edit)

Thank you so much, I loved your video and surprised how fast you figured stuff out, I'm glad you enjoyed it and it does get a bit challenging after 10 (but not a whole lot)

Which you couldn't access, level design and testing was my job and I still managed to mess that up, no worries I fixed it up and now you shall be able to play till 20

Have fun  ♥

(3 edits)

Thanks for the reply! I went back and played through the rest of the game! The last two levels were a pretty good challenge!

Some more bugs I noticed:

-Level 12 is unselectable, even after completion. Your star rank appears grayed out as well. *This has been fixed!*

-Level 13 is unselectable, even after completion and appears greyed out. Star rank is displayed here though. *This has been fixed!*

-After beating the game (level 20) you appear on an empty screen with only the background showing. (Not sure if this was a bug) I was able to get back to the level select menu though. *This has been fixed*

-If you close the game, the game does not save your progress, meaning you'd have to replay all the levels again.

-If you press the cog icon for settings, then select a level, an extra red replay level button is visable and functioning.

Hope this mini-QA test is helpful! Thanks again for the reply and the fix! :)